The InfuSsion Mash Tun from Ss Brewing Technologies is targeted at brewers doing infusion mashing in insulated chilly bins and are looking for a better performing piece of equipment made of 304 Stainless Steel that is purposefully built for brewing.
In side by side testing, the 10 gallon InfuSsion Mash Tun showed 3 degrees less of temperature decay over a 60 minute mash as compared to a similarly sized plastic chilly bin. The InfuSsion Mash Tun also has a concave recess under the false bottom which has a centre located drain that plumbs out to a 1/2" ball valve. By locating the drain port in the middle we are able to get better uniformity and efficiency through the grain bed versus a traditional plastic chilly bin setup.
- Dual wall (foam insulated) high grade 304 Stainless Steel
- Centre drain and 5 degree sloped bottom
- No dead space, conical bottom with drain
- Foam insulated lid for heat retention
- Electrically etched volume markings in gallons
- Includes false bottom with silicone gasket
- Includes thermowell
- Includes precision LCD thermometer
- Includes high quality 304 Stainless Steel 3 piece ball valve
Note: this mash tun cannot be used with a burner.
Currently available in a 38 litre (10 gallon) model, and a larger 76 litre (20 gallon)..
Upgrade options include the MTSs Temperature Controller for the InfuSsion Mash Tun, designed to ensure a constant mashing temperature, and a sparge arm.