More subtle in character, Ella™ (previously known as Stella) packs less of an upfront punch than her big sister Galaxy™, but is no less of a star.
The changing faces of Ella™ make her an intriguing hop to experiment with.
In lower doses, Ella™ can display floral and subtle spice notes, such as star anise, which is best appreciated in lagers or pilsners. With larger additions or when dry hopping, Ella™ imparts distinct tropical flavours which can be used to offset robust malt and yeast characters in many styles.
Pedigree Descendent of a Spalt derived male and half sister to Galaxy
Brewing Usage Aroma
Aroma Spicy, hoppy and floral with hints of anise
Possible Substitutions Cascade
Typical Beer Styles Lager
Additional Information Australia's newest aroma hop cultivar
Alpha Acids 14.0 - 16.0%
Beta Acids 4.0 - 7.5%
Co-Humulone ~36%
Total Oil ~2.9 mL / 100g
Myrcene 40 - 50% of total oil
Humulene 16 - 22% of total oil
Caryophyllene 12 - 18% of total oil
Farnesene 0 - 1% of total oil
General Trade Perception Reminiscent of, yet distinctly different from, noble European varieties - one of the most versatile hops available.
All our hops are vacuum sealed in foil bags to preserve the best flavour and aroma. Our hops are refrigerated while in storage.