A recipe we have been developing in house for a few years now and winner of a silver medal in the 2018 NHC.
A full creamy stout with nice roast and chocolate notes
- Gladfield Ale Malt
- Gladfield Roasted Barley Malt
- Gladfield Dark Crystal Malt
- Gladfeild Light Chocolate Malt
- Gladfield Wheat Malt
- Flaked Oats
Hops: 22g additions of Pacific Jade + Fuggles in Pre-measured Addition Vac Pacs.
Yeast: SafAle S-04
Kit available in 3 options.
All Grain Full 23L Batch
All Grain Half 12L Batch
Extract with Partial Mash, Full 23L Batch. Comes with Liquid Malt Extract and a specialty grain pack to add additional flavour.
Disclaimer: All Grain2Glass.co.nz Kits require additional equipment and Medium - Advanced skill level.